Monday 28 February 2011

Fuerteventura Wave Classic 2011!

Again the Fuerte Wave Classic 2011 not only has been a great venue for windsurf action. After competiting days on the water, the riders took some nice action on the beach. On the 15th of February the Clean Ocean Project, the organizer and the riders spent some hours together cleaning up the beach in Majanicho on the North Shore. As you can see we collect a lot of all sorts of waste, so afterwards everybody was happy and satisfied enjoying the hard earned Clean Ocean Project BBQ.

The beach clean up was one part of the action as the event this year themed: seperate and reduce waste. Therefore the Clean Ocean Project provided every surfspot which was part of the competition with bins to separte the waste. The organizer of the FWC dispel plastic bags from the event by not using them this year for the lunch bags for the riders. Nice move.

If you want to see more photos and a great movie please check out

Thanks to the organiser of the FWC, the riders and everybody who took action in their own hands!